Are You A Corona Or Riverside Business Owner/Operator Frustrated By Cut-Throat Competition, Rock-Bottom Profit Margins, Increasing Equipment, Material and Labour Costs As Well As Unreasonable Client Expectations And Shorter Deadlines?
You’re invited to an exclusive, closed-door Boardroom Briefing with The Exponential Growth Strategist, Dr Marc Dussault.
Is it dawning on you that you’re nowhere close to where you thought you’d be by now?
If you’ve run out of “obvious” ways to attract new customers or grow your sales or profits, what you learn just on this page could produce a tidal wave of new income possibilities for you to mine just a short time from now.
Click play below to hear Dr Marc Dussault explain what will be covered in this exclusive event
During the 3-hour private briefing, you'll be shown first-hand how to:
Get other people to grow your business for FREE or even pay you for it.
Think exponentially like the world’s top peak performance expert, Anthony Robbins and the legendary Albert Einstein to REVOLUTIONISE your business by design rather than to continue to evolve by default.
Copy a simple strategy a personal trainer used to turn $1,000 into $10,000 in 30 days.
Use a $500 secret idea that created $150,000 in one year.
Write ONE 3-word headline that can put up to $10,000 in your business this month.
Get out of the entrepreneurial jail that has you slaving for 12 hrs/day 6 or 7 days/week.
Leverage your time and effort to get 2, 3 or even 5 times more bang for your buck starting THIS WEEK. [Others are doing this right now, why not you?]
Create a passive income stream from your 5, 10 or 20 years of experience that can put $1,000, $2,000 or even $3,000 into your bank account with NO exertion of your personal effort, transforming your effort-based business into a value-based cash generating machine that pays you even when you’re not working.
This boardroom briefing is private and exclusive. The format, structure and delivery are specifically designed for business owners and Internet marketing entrepreneurs who have no time to waste and want to cut to the chase. I have extracted ONLY what’s relevant to you, the Aussie business owner-manager so you start seeing real, bottom-line results pretty-damn-fast, without having to study 6 pound textbooks, or worse, burn thousands of dollars finding out for yourself by trial-and-error.
To make attending an absolute no-brainer, I have prepared a selection of “under-the-covers” secrets, tips and techniques that no one else dares share with you.
I'll show you how I have already produced real world results, over and over again, and know how to impart the strategies, tactics and processes to you so you can replicate or exceed my results faster and easier than it took for me to develop and refine these strategies in the first place!
I have already done the hard yards. All you have to do is just take those proven ‘plug ‘n play’ strategies to pump more profits out of your business or website. You even start to receive these BEFORE the Briefing so that you get the most from the 3 hours we will spend together.
This is a THEORY-FREE ZONE. Many business seminars are full of pleasant theories that sound good but are too complicated, too difficult or too costly to implement in the "REAL WORLD".
At this by-invitation only event, you'll learn nothing but proven, practical strategies that can be put to work within days, not months or years, to make a substantial difference to the amount of cash, success, stature, freedom and success you enjoy in your business.
Right now you might be thinking to yourself...
“This Sounds All Very Well...
But Why Should You Listen To Me?”
Great question! I agree that you should be extremely wary of so-called "business-building advice that comes from ANYONE who hasn't lived it and breathed it in their own life - AND has the RE$ULT$ to prove it!
Here's a summary of my track record growing businesses and why you have to attend:
"Marc Used Exponential Marketing Strategies To Grow His Company 3 Times Faster, With Double The Industry Sales Per Employee and Twice The Profitability -- Without Employing A Single Salesperson!"
DR MARC DUSSAULT is a self-made multi-millionaire entrepreneur, an award-winning author, recipient of several marketing awards, and an Entrepreneur of the Year Award finalist.
As the founder of his own start-up company, Marc used exponential strategies to build one of his service companies 3 times faster, with double the industry average sales per employee, while consistently producing twice the profitability of his competitors.
With these business results, Marc probably spent all his time in the office, right? Wrong...
These results were achieved while he was doing an MBA and Ph.D. full-time and opening a second office in a distant city (Toronto), taking 4 international vacations for a total of 8 weeks per year while also franchising and distributing an integrated printing software application in Europe and publishing articles as a columnist for 3 magazines in Canada and the United States.
Marc recently worked for a well-established global corporate software vendor with a 28-year history. Leveraging the exact same Exponential Marketing strategies you'll learn during this event series, he established a prospecting funnel thatwas 30 TIMES greater than the company’s norms with the same closing (conversion) ratio, increasing sales by a whopping 50%in one year with NO discounting!
In addition, he also acquired several landmark ASX Top 50companies as long-term clients while managing almost 200accounts.
Amazingly, Marc achieved this amazing sales record while completing a post graduate law degree (in taxation of all things!), in less than one year and playing competitive squash daily...!
"Listen what other small business owners and entrepreneurs say about this Exponential Marketing curriculum"
“I launched my first ($300) Google Adword Campaign with a make-shift website to be blown away with $17,000 of cash sales within the first 60 days. I've since doubled my database and expect to double my sales THIS financial year.” Gavin Buckett
Founder and Managing Director,
The Gourmet Guardian
“I added $5,000 to $6,000/month in sales and $120,0000 of value to my business in 6 months. I never would have thought it was possible - until I learnt all the little things that make a BIG difference” Angela Muzyczka
“I sold a full blown $30,000 accounting system over the internet to a client I never met, cutting my sales cycle in half. As Marc says... Ka-Ching!” Mark Buhagiar Austlink Services
“We’ve increased sales 40% WHILE saving $2,800 in wasteful advertising in 3 months. It’s taken us a while to learn that you can achieve MORE by DOING less. We’re getting it now and loving it!” Neville Goncalves
Co-founder, Amazon Power
You should accept my personal invitation to this special closed-door session that is NOT publicly advertised...:
If you're hungry for proven Business Building secrets that can give you an unfair advantage over your competitors and stack the odds outrageously in your favour...
If you NOT ONLY want to be inspired by the thousands of entrepreneurs who have been enriched by exponential strategies, ideas and insights, but YOU want to join their ranks...
If you've already heard of the explosive power of Exponential Strategies and want to find out more about the upcoming Bootcamp syllabus...
If you have just started, or are just about to start a new business or website and want the shortcut secrets to success NOW rather than via the School Of Hard Knocks...
If you're sick and tired of being a spectator in the game of business and are ready to become a real "Player"...
If you're the owner/manager of a "mature" business who wants to sharpen your game, re-energise and explode up to the next level...
If any of the above scenarios apply to you, book your seat now and join the thousands of successful entrepreneurial millionaires who have been enriched by exponential ideas, strategies and advice – BOTH, offline AND online.
Exponential Bonus #1
Audio download of Tony Robbins' Classic Interview with Jay Abraham
Hear the most lucrative principles, techniques and tips of the world's #1 marketing growth strategist.
Tony 'splits' Jay's brain open and exposes a plan that took Jay thirty years to conceive, draw, revise, test, prove, master and document... and now you can harness and profit from today.
This man obviously thinks unlike any other on earth. Jay's kaleidoscopic mind can see what others miss time after time. And now you can steal his ideas cold and... adopt his exponential mindset...
Master the 'Jay-mindset' to make your own money-making connections, starting right now.
Exponential Bonus #2
Exponential Marketing
Autopsy Report
This breakthrough autopsy report, based on extensive survey of Australian SME business owners, will strip your business naked right in front of your eyes in less than 29 minutes. The good thing is, you're the only one watching!
This report is vital reading for any SME owner who wants to avoid the chronic diseases that are destroying too many Australian small businesses.
Exponential Bonus #3
Internet Marketing Autopsy Survey Results and Analysis
This revealing survey - one of the largest of its kind in Australia - reveals what Australian business owners are and aren't doing to generate sales leads and sales online.
In over 11 pages of detailed results and analysis, you'll discover what the top 5% of SMEs are doing to generate cash, customers and profits online and also learn from the costly Internet marketing blunders that the vast majority of internet marketers are making without even realising it.
The results of this survey will surprise and shock you - ignore their clear message at your peril.
Imagine having the rule book to the game of business and the Internet with all the winning strategies. Better yet, imagine your competitors not knowing the rules YOU set for the games you want to play!
That is what these two events are all about. Getting an unfair advantage and reaping the rewards NOW by producing extra-ordinary RESULTS:
Business results like:
The jeweller who pulled $55,000 out of thin air using just one technique
The software company that generated $150,000 in sales 6 months faster, beating their old conversion rate by 200% - with no discounting!
The specialised health care provider that booked more than $150,000 in treatments in less than 3 hours with less than $1,000 in marketing costs!
The training company that tapped into another company's database to generate $5,000 in windfall revenue in less than 30 days. Total cost: $300!
The consultant who made $6,000 in one hour. Yes, one hour. And then made an additional $2,000 without even lifting a finger!
The personal coach who created $6,000 in 6 days from one distinction e-mail!
How about the consultant/trainer who increased his prospect-to-paying client conversion by a WHOPPING 10 times - not 10% or even 100%, but 1,000%!!!
Personal results like:
One friend was working for a government agency making $60,000/year which was pretty good at the time. Within 12 months he was making over $100,000 and within 3 years, $200,000+. That’s 4 times more. But that’s not the entire story. His arthritic hip problems subsided AND he invested his additional new income to become financially independent within the next 10 years, buying a brand new sports car and moving into a house TWICE the size.
Another friend tripled his income from $50,000 to $150,000 in one year which on its own is impressive, but more importantly he ended up buying the business he worked in as a contractor and in the last 6 years, EVERY SINGLE competitor except one has gone bust, bankrupt, out of business or shut down. He never would have survived were it not for Tony’s Peak Performance strategies and Exponential Marketing strategies.
A third friend was a student, single, struggling, making $8,000/year as a part-time temp employee, taking 1 course/semester (Getting Cs and Bs) and struggling to make the rent each month. Within a year, she tripled her income to $25,000, lost 10 Kgs, got into a serious relationship and TRIPLED the number of courses she took AND started to get As and Bs! Within the NEXT year, she was making $60,000+ completing her degree in half the time based on my book “Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort“. Strategies that I perfected into a system that is now an eBook. Strategies based on Tony’s Peak Performance Neuro-Associative Conditioning Principles that WORK.
Venue Corona Chamber Of Commerce
904 E. Sixth Street, Corona, CA 92879
Come find the missing link that has been holding you back…
Priority Registration Form
Yes! Reserve my seat at the Boardroom Briefing.
I understand that I will come away from this event with new knowledge, secrets and strategies that I can use in my online or offline business to create more CASH within the following 7 days.
I also understand that I'll gain prior "sneak peak" access to the Exponential Mindset™, including strategies and REAL case studies to help me grow my business.
Finally, I confirm that by completing the form below and reserving my seat, I WILL ATTEND the session. Not attending means locking out another business owner who could have otherwise gained access to this privileged information and foregoing your registration fee. Due to the exclusive nature of this event and limited seating at the boardroom table (less than 20 participants, there are no refunds).
With that understanding, here is the information you need to process my registration:
Dr Marc Dussault
The Exponential Growth Strategist
What makes this presentation a CAN'T MISS event?
If you feel there is a better way to do what you’re doing and it’s all getting ‘all too hard’ you’re right. It IS GETTING ALL TOO HARD if you’re not leveraging exponential marketing strategies.
We all have 168 hours in a week. Yet SOME of us get MORE done with LESS effort. I should know, I actually wrote a book on it “Get The Best Business Results With The Least Amount Of Effort.”
This 3-hour face-to-face session is like no other. We will get to know each other on a first-name basis and you will see first-hand how this stuff can work for YOUR business and other attendees’ businesses right then and there. No fluff, no hype.
I guarantee you it’ll rock your world of what’s possible.
It’ll remove any doubt that you may have that YOU can do this in YOUR business on on the Internet. The step-by-step case studies I will be sharing with you are REAL Australian stories of under-funded, under-resources ‘battlers’ just like you who dug deep into their passion of what they do and created results that impressed their spouses, partners and staff – within days and weeks, not months and years.
You’ll notice that this event is NOT publicly advertised – it is only accessible via a hidden link – NOT accessible by the general public.
I am only meeting with a small group at a time, face-to-face. This is a special, unique chance for us to meet, get to know each other and for you to get a glimpse, a test drive of what I call the Exponential Mindset™.
Doing out-of-the-ordinary things that create EXTRA-ORDINARY results.